“The AMA Government Affairs team has been working persistently with lawmakers this year to ensure our hobby is protected in Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) reauthorization legislation. The Senate’s August recess gave our team a few days to adjust our strategy towards preserving Section 336 and to address some state and local concerns.”
Efforts are being made to repeal Section 336, known as the “Special Rule for Model Aircraft”
Section 336 is the reason why today’s drone pilots and generations of model-aircraft fliers have been able to fly without a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) pilot’s license, equipage mandates, and regulatory paperwork. Section 336 is a safe tradition that has been around for many decades. If you like flying your drone or model aircraft for recreation without mandates that include pilot licenses and remote IDs, action is needed now.
Google is “Pulling up the Ladder Behind Them“
One way to describe what is happening, in my opinion, is that Google and others are “pulling up the ladder behind them“. In other words, Section 336 is why many in tech and drones were able to get their start, and experiment, and become successful. Now, Google and other industrial interests are pursuing their own self-interest and seeking to limit the hobbyists, the experimenters, the researchers.