You Need to Fight This Summer – Or Its All Over.
FAA Reauthorization Bills Don’t Prevent Death From a Thousand Local Drone Laws
Today, my law firm Antonelli Law defended someone facing a ticket from a major city’s drone ordinance. If found guilty, the Part 107 operator faced thousand of dollars of potential fines as well as time in jail. One quick fix in this year’s FAA Reauthorization Act and this scenario won’t have to be repeated across the country.
Today’s outcome, a subject for a future article, is what no doubt will become more common throughout the United States, even for properly licensed FAA Part 107 operators, as more cities and local municipalities seek to control the “drone craze” with local law enforcement doing what is actually the FAA’s job.
The problem, as I describe in July’s RotorDrone Magaxine article (click below for a free look) is that without the 2017 FAA Reauthorization Act containing what is called “express preemption” to kill off these stupid state and local drone laws, thousands of drone pilots – even those acting properly with a Part 107 FAA license – will be harassed and have to unfairly defend themselves in court.
Neither the House nor Senate Versions of the 2017 FAA Reauthorization Bill Clearly State Only the FAA Can Police the Skies – And YOU Need to Change This!
As of this writing, from what I have seen from both the US House and US Senate, neither versions of the 2017 FAA Reauthorization Bill clearly state that only the FAA can police the skies. They do, however, both offer to study the probloem for the next 5 years or so. In the meantime, the patient known as the US drone industry led mostly by small business entrepreneurs, may crash and burn leaving only the very biggest players to survive. That’s not very American.
So click below to read my July 2017 RotorDrone magazine article “This Summer is for Flying and Fighting” and please call your representatives in the US House and Senate to demand they include “express federal preemption” in the 2017 FAA Reauthorization Act, and vote NO to other bills including the Drone Federalism Act.
Simply call the Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121 or visit the following links to find your representative:
- United States Senate –
- United States House –
Click Here (FOR FREE) Jeffrey Antonelli RotorDrone Magazine – Legal View July 2017 about the 2017 FAA Reauthorization and other drone bills.
If you already have a subscription to RotorDrone, click in your email for the electronic version and turn to page 76 for Legal View by Jeffrey Antonelli
Legal caveat: Nothing in these articles are legal advice. Speak with a qualified attorney about your legal situation.