New N Number Registration Service by Antonelli Law – $250 Flat Fee Per UAV
New N Number Registration Service by Antonelli Law
$250 Flat Fee Per UAV
Having gone through numerous N Number registrations with the FAA ourselves, with some registrations going through easily and others being subject to many unexpected questions, we thought we should expand our N Number Registration Service to clients who obtained their Section 333 Grant of Exemption on their own or with higher-priced law firms.
Obtaining an N Number is required by the FAA prior to commercial operations:”All aircraft operated in accordance with this exemption must be identified by serial number, registered in accordance with 14 CFR part 47, and have identification (N−Number) markings in accordance with 14 CFR part 45, Subpart C. Markings must be as large as practicable.” This involves obtaining original FAA carbon copy forms, a bureaucratic process and tedious details.
Contact Antonelli Law and let us obtain the FAA N Number registrations for you.
Note: Some UAV registrations may be higher than $250