State Survey of Drone Laws – Pending Bills & Enacted Law
We recommend going to AUVSI’s webpage for state drone law initiatives.
AUVSI is the world’s largest trade organization for all things drone/UAS related. Jeffrey Antonelli has been a member of AUVSI since 2014.
The page below is no longer updated.
Link: State Survey of Drone Laws – Bills and Enacted – Antonelli Law
This survey is being used for informational and research use only. It is not legal advice, and is not guaranteed to be either accurate or up to date. We do hope, however, that it provides a helpful launching point for our readers performing their own research on state laws and drones.
Antonelli Law originally posted its 44 state survey of proposed bills and enacted laws related to drones/UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) on March 8, 2014. The link above provides an updated version of that original survey.